Admission karo
In today’s competitive world, it’s important to choose a definite career and decide a career goal early. With wide ranges of courses available and companies seeking specialized people choosing a career has become a serious and tedious affair. While selecting a career option it is important for student to discover their potential, aptitude and interest and select the right course accordingly.
Unfortunately, not many students are able to do so which eventually lead them to wrong career choices and this is when pressure starts building.
Remember selecting a career option determines your course of life. While a good decision at the right point of time can make your life pleasant, a wrong one can ruin it as well after all some of these career decisions are irreversible.
If you are in a dilemma about choosing a suitable career option approaching our experienced and qualified career counsellor is always advisable. Our career counselling usually employs testing of three factors – aptitude, interest and personality based on which we suggest right career path to students. Our counsellors also help you to get clear cut view on what you can expect out of the course and overcome any preconceived beliefs.
Our Career Counselling services has been designed to help students develop clarity, discover confidence and Experience Success
Student Community
“ I was one of the four who got accepted into the PES University program for B tech! Thanks for the practice interview that greatly helped me for the real ones. ”
“ Thank you very much for helping my daughter to apply for Ramaiah University. The last one month was very hectic and stressful, but you helped us to make it smooth and easy. I really appreciate it. ”
“ I would like to thank you for helping me to get through the application process of Alliance, you have given support and encouragement when I feel frustrated and lose confidence. ”
“ Very pleased to inform you that my daughter who is career guided by Admissionkaro has obtained admission at MSRIT Bangalore. ”